Carousel Diaries: How To Take Special Care of Vintage

As vintage connoisseurs here in Carousel we know the importance of taking good care of your vintage pieces. So our latest entry in the Carouse Diaries is how to take special care of vintage.  The items that you have searched high and low for are decades old in most cases and require special care to take them through the next few years! As they are one of a kind, it is truly important to learn the best ways to wash, store and clean your special pieces. Our lovely Betty has some tips via video for you here:

Here are some more tips on how to clean stains from any vintage clothing you have:

  • Makeup:
    The best thing for makeup is to rub a slice of white bread over the stain.
  •  Perspiration: For sweat stains you can make a paste of baking soda and water or salt and water and rub into stain, rinse well. Make a paste of crushed aspirin, cream of tartar and water and rub into stain. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse well.
  • Grease: For grease you can apply water without detergent or it will cause the stain to set. Oxy Clean® may remove grease, but be sure to use a spray (either prepared or manufactured version) or make a paste. Remember not to wet the fabric with water first and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Rust: Rust can be a big problem when it comes to vintage. You can stretch your garment over a pot of boiling water (being sure to avoid getting remaining fabric near the heat) and sprinkle with fresh lemon juice, rinse well. Repeat as many times as necessary. Do not use pre packaged lemon juice as they have additives and preservatives that may affect the fabric.

Everyone who has ever stepped foot into a classic vintage shop knows that well loved clothes can also come with a strange smell sometimes. Here’s a way to help eliminate odors:

  1. Fill a bathtub half way with the hottest water possible
  2. Add 1 cup of distilled white vinegar to the hot water (if the odor is particularly strong, more vinegar can be used)
  3. Hang the smelly clothing above the tub, as close to the water as possible without actually touching the water
  4. Shut the bathroom door and leave overnight!

Another helpful hint is that vinegar can also help get rid of many organic stains like grass, wine, tomato, coffee, and perspiration! Just rub, dab, or soak the stained area in vinegar. Because vinegar so mild, you can repeat this process as many times as necessary and then launder as usual.

Other ideas include using an at home drying kit or a hand held steamer.

Don’t forget:

  • Make sure that your vintage garment is washable before putting it in water.  Use liquid detergent instead of powder. Before washing check for weak seams, holes or frays.  Use cool to warm water to avoid fade or running of garment dyes and spot clean first before washing.  After washing lay out the garment on a drying rack, never in the dryer.*  Always dry clean rayon, silk, wool, velvet, and any garment with beading.  Be sure that your dry cleaner is experienced in vintage fabrics!